Drawing-writing and just writing!

Sometimes I don’t want to draw things! Sometimes I want to draw-write stuff and other times I just want to write stuff. So I’ve got a collection of stories for children that I keep on my desktop and add to when I can. I like to keep a file with all the edits of a story from version 1 through to 5 or 6 or whenever I feel happy that it is finished. There is an expression ‘turning up to the page’ which is a great one because it means to write and keep writing and well – ‘turn up to the page.’ I hope to blog more about writing and where I’m going with it, when I’m not drawing Pandas and elephants and flowers and some more Pandas!

I loved the book The Woman who stole my life by the very witty Marian Keyes, her protagonist Stella Sweeney has to write her second book and regularly opens up a document and is only able to write the word ‘arse.’ It makes me smile all the time because there are times when I just want to write ‘arse’ and shut the document, but hey that probably wouldn’t constitute ‘turning up to the page.’

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